SERVED ON – May 22, 2007 – hand delivered to Vancouver City Hall
FROM: Marc Boyer [the Candidate], NFA Vancouver BC TO: TWIMC; The DIRECTOR – Paul Hancock, His Worship the Mayor Sam Sullivan RE: To providing clarity to my identity issue, on issuing me an original BIRTH CERTIFICATE - My Statement of Birth was fraudulently converted in 1989 by the Deputy Registrar of Ontario.
- This means that under sec 340 CCC, the ‘Queen’ has broken the contract to ‘hold’ my person.
- To further complicate this issue: I have never been issued an original BIRTH CERTIFICATE
- Furthermore, the Crown holds no authority over me, until this fraudulent possession is redressed.
- Because this crime was committed against an ‘adult’ makes me a slave (period), under Sec 338 CCC
- Had I asked for a 2nd Passport since then, would ‘imply that I agree’ to this conversion;
- I ‘will’ not do this, as I perceive this conversion of my birth to be violating the Law of Moses.
- Under Sec 337 CCC this court must address my inaliable right to be issued a BIRTH CERTIFICATE
- This court must address the issue that I lawfully can only land in King George VI’s Registry
- In Provincial Court File file #180671 – 1: I hold a court order where I cannot address my identity issue with my M.P. – Libby Davies – In this Affidavit, her Office openly recognizes me as a member of her Constituency, therefore SHE is acting on my be’half’, and recognizes my Official landed status as being in her riding, which means I can be recognized as ‘landed’ in the City of Vancouver
- As to attached documentation this position of refusing to address her fiduciary trust constitutes criminal insanity by the Crown and Libby, and this passes the responsibility of addressing my inaliable right to a BIRTH REGISTRY, onto His Worship Sam Sullivan.
The solution to my BIRTH CERTIFICATE, by definition, must be resolved before I am issued a second Passport, on the belief that I cannot stay or leave without resolving a guarantee to the ‘security of my person’ with this issue, and no body can deprive me of this most basic human right - I am ‘entitled’ to a BIRTH REGISTRY that does not deprive me of any rights as a Loyal Subject
- Since the Crown is liable under Sec 340 CCC, no Justice can refuse to recognize my solicitor, and or ignore my desire to be a Canadian, or a Commonwealth citizen in King George IV’s Registry
- In order to not be deprived of basic human dignity graced by being His Loyal Subject and citizen
- As to a friendly conversation with Paul Hancock: We agree that a remedy is by soliciting him for a BIRTH CERTIFICATE, which converts THE DIRECTOR Paul Hancock into being my solicitor.
On the solid ground THAT: - Under his fiduciary trust, he holds the liability, to address and/or issue me an identity.
- On the grounds of belief THAT: no lawyer will touch my case, because it insults the BAR and the very reason this Office is restricted from being held by a member of the BAR, is in order to preclude the abuse of his Office, which could occur from violating the Law of Moses.
- Under his fiduciary trust, he must undertake to be my solicitor to petition a Justice to rule on who holds jurisdiction to resolve my BIRTH CERTIFICATE issue, let alone my Passport issue
- Because, it arguably should not be in his jurisdiction to act unilaterally on these issues.
- It is my understanding THAT: a tribunal is the only ENTITY with the authority to address the liability and awards contained in issuing me this BIRTH CERTIFICATE [and]
- By having His Worship the Mayor, The Director [as my solicitor], and a Justice THAT
- This court can address this issue to a tribunal with the authority of 2 or 3 of these witnesses
On the grounds of Belief THAT The very nature of this disclosure constitutes an opportunity to fulfill the trust of the Commonwealth So be it. |